One Man's Fitness Fitness Adventures and Musings

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


It seems that I have discovered some speed. I didn't run at all last week due to my schedule being crazy, I was covering for another attorney on a few cases and it cut into my day quite a bit. Then I went out on Monday and did well as I mentioned, I had a couple of miles sub 10:00 and finished just a bit over 10:00.

Tonight after work I hit the roads in my favorite running weather: light rain. Light rain is the best. I always feel great in the rain. It keeps me cool and feels fresh. I went out for "The Loop". The Loop is a 3.65 mile stretch that circles my house. Tonight it was excellent, I felt like I could just push it and push it. So I did, the first mile was 9:55, the second was about 10:20, the third was 9:47 and the last part was about the same pace. The total 36:22 minutes or a 9:58 pace. Wow!!!. I have not run so fast in about a year and it is nice to know that I can the dump truck, i.e. me, up to speed.

Yes, it is going to be a good spring for running.


Denise said...

Hey, thanks for the comment! I love meeting other Philly bloggers!! Are you running any part of 20in24?

David H. said...

I love it surprises (like speed) when running. And, I too, like a (very) light rain.

Andrew is getting fit said...

I love those sort of weather conditions as well. Our winter is very mild and extremely nice for running!

Jeff said...

Great to see you've found single digits, for sure. It's mostly mental, I think, but it's still a huge wall to get through.