One Man's Fitness Fitness Adventures and Musings

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election Stuff

I usually shy away from posting anything political. I have said a word or two here and there so anyone who reads knows that I was supporting Barack Obama. Personally I can described as being somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. I have usually tended to be conservative on fiscal issues and liberal on social issues. With the far right social movement of the Republican Party I have ended up voting the Democrats over the past 12 years.

I was moved the other night during Barack Obama's post result speech. This was not the first time that I have felt this way during his speeches. The first time that this happened was during his DNC speech in 2004. I have been a fan of his ever since. I am happy to see him elected and hope that his actions can come close to living up to his rhetoric. It is nice to feel proud of our president and glad that he acknowledges that he is the President for the entire nation and not just those that voted for him. There are no words of left mandate like G.W. Bush spouted when he was reelected in '04. I only hope that he will govern more from the center than the left.

National pride is a funny thing and it can move you. The speech on Tuesday night made me remember a different time. I had just come back from a year in Iraq after the Persian Gulf War. I was a Reconnaissance Sergeant and had spent extra time in Saudi Arabia loading ships after my unit went back to Texas. When I arrived back in Texas many months later with a handful of other stragglers I was tired. Tired to the bone. I had a total of 3 or 4 days off in a year and had just added a 20 hour flight to the overall fatigue I felt.

I was riding the bus from the airport to the base and along the side of rode were hundreds of people waving flags and cheering. I can't remember being more moved. I didn't know these people from Adam but they turned out to show their support for a handful of soldiers returning from the Middle East. I was deeply moved and that moment remains a pivotal point in my life. The speech by Barack Obama on Tuesday had the same effect on me. I am hopeful for the next 4 years.

I promise to return to running and other fitness related issues, now. Have a great day.


Anonymous said...

I think I started crying when I saw Jesse Jackson. I was trying to be though... I turned to The Man at the end of speech, he was bawling too.

Honestly, I didn't think it would happen. 2004 was such a huge disappointment.

Jeff said...

Great post, Rob. Thanks for sharing your feelings. I felt very much the same. It was a proud day for our nation and I too hope that he lives up to the hype.