One Man's Fitness Fitness Adventures and Musings

Friday, November 7, 2008

Post Sick Run

I have been sick. It seems that the laying of plans usually involves some sort of curse on my soul. I had no sooner said that I planned to run another ten miles this weekend with two or three smaller runs for the week than I go sick. So after a few days of hacking and fever monitoring I feel better. I don't feel great, I don't even feel good. I feel better.

So in keeping with my feeling better I went out for a short run. This was a 2.5 mile run. I set out to do 2.5 miles, which is absurdly short but given my post sick "feeling better" it was all I could reasonably commit to. It started out like a train leaving the station. That is there was lots of grinding and noise but not a lot of fast movement. To be truthful fast movement is still something of a mystery to me. That said, I did in fact get my body moving in what can loosely be called running and did in fact keep running for 2.5 miles. It wasn't pretty but I ended with a 10:30 pace at the end. I did feel run down a bit so I am not completely well. But I felt better at the end than the beginning and that is nice.

I have been reading these days about heart failure and running. With Ryan Shays dying at the Olympic trials last year and a few other deaths I was curious. So with Runners World latest issue exploring the issue, I was psyched. It seems that exercise is the key to prevention. The deaths on the courses are usually the result of other issues (clogged arteries or genetic defects) so that is good to know. But it does seem that I should aim to exercise 5 days a week. I think I knew that but I haven't been keeping up with it. I will make a more dedicated effort to get my work in. It is only an hour a day, I think I can do that. What is more important than your health. I would pick up and read the latest Runners World if only for the above mentioned analysis, its worth the cover price.

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