One Man's Fitness Fitness Adventures and Musings

Thursday, December 4, 2008

December-thon, Day 4

How: Elliptical Machine (dull)
Injury: Improved, but unchanged from this morning.
Miles (day): 3.40 miles
December-thon total: 13.27 miles
Song of the Day: Rihanna -- Don't Stop the Music

I was a little tired so I slowed down a bit on this one. I hope to be able to actually hit the road again by the end of next week. I am not sure how long this calf injury will take but based on previous injuries, I think this one is going to stick around a bit. The good news is that it is not a pain killer type of thing, so that is nice.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I'm not sure I could stand 3 miles on the elliptical no matter what the music was. Tried it a couple of times during one of my injuries -- felt like I wanted to scratch my eyes out rather than get back on that thing.

More power to ya!