One Man's Fitness Fitness Adventures and Musings

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Post Marathon Struggles

Unlike last year after the half marathon, I did not go into any sort of depression after the race. I think this was because I have really thrown myself into cross training. That said last night marked was a weird post marathon occurrence. As my toes were mashing into the front of my shoes for 5+ hours my toe nails were damaged. Well they were killed and last night they fell off.
Disgusting to be sure, but I have new ones so it is ok. I like the new ones better anyway. The nails had just been hanging around for a few weeks to protect the new nails growing underneath.

Well there you have it, if something else that might happen as a result of running a marathon. I think that my shoes were a tad too big as I lost weight I didn't adjust the size of my shoes so I was wearing the same size shoes as I did when I was 70 pounds heavier. I will come down a half size and that should do the trick.

Well there is something weird for your day.


Jeff said...

Well, I guess, thanks for sharing that, Rob.

Andrew is getting fit said...
