One Man's Fitness Fitness Adventures and Musings

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Night Run

Last night after the Phillies won the World Series, way to go guys, I hit the streets for a short run. It was a fun time running while cars drove through the neighborhoods honking horns and yelling "Phillies". It was nice, well up where I was running, I heard there were some burned cars in the South part of the city. Well, I guess these things happen, unfortunate but true.

I was able to really get a decent pace and keep it up for my 3.65 mile route. This was the first night I had to break out the running tights and thermal top. I am not sure if I will have to keep using them but last night it was a bit chilly. Good times.

Next Tuesday, I will be voting for Barack Obama like most of the country.


Andrew is getting fit said...

Sounds great!

Unknown said...

i was in New York (Times Square) when the Giants won the Superbowl and it was madness. people in the streets, horse cops, everything. And people were driving down the main street shouting and honking their horns. it was a pretty crazy sight and can imagine it was pretty similar in philly. Now, if only I could get that with the Packers or even the Brewers!!