One Man's Fitness Fitness Adventures and Musings

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Week in Review

The week was pretty good. The one down side was that I did not get to my 13 today. I just ran out of time. I will have to push my long runs to Sunday starting next week so that I can get the time to fit the long runs in.


2/11/08.....49:32 time.....4.15 miles.....11:57 pace
2/13/08.....1:22:25 time.....7.10 miles.....11:37 pace
2/15/08.....39:42 time.....3.5 miles.....11:20 pace
2/16/08.....2:12:38 time.....11.10 miles.....11:56 pace

Total: 25.85 miles

I felt much stronger this week especially in the long run. Last week I lost a lot of steam in the 6 through 11 mile range on the long run. This week not so much. I was strong start to finish for the most part. Last week I have 5 of 6 of the last above 12:00 this week only one was above 12:00. Much better. Overall I shaved 7 seconds off the total pace for the long run.

I think what has really been helpful is the long weekday run. It seems that this long run has really helped to pay dividends on my long runs. Very helpful to say the least.


Jeff said...

Great week, Rob. Amazing how the long runs build up endurance -- really pay off for the "mid" runs, like your 7.

David H. said...

Great week!